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In accessing and using this website you (the visitor and/or user) are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the current General Terms and Conditions of Use and any modification to said terms and conditions that LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. might make in any given moment without prior notice. As a result it is the responsibility of visitors and users to read the current Terms and Conditions of Use on this website attentively every time they access it.


Visitors and users are welcome to access this website free-of-change excluding those costs associated with the connection to the Internet supplied by an Internet provider contracted by the visitor and/or user. Where applicable, charges and payment terms associated with products sold via this website will be duly notified to visitors and users.


Access to this website does not imply the undertaking of any kind of contractual relationship between the visitor and/or user and LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. nor does it constitute a source of professional advice.


This website may also include links to other third-party websites for the convenience of visitors and users. This does not signify that LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. endorses the website(s) or that it is responsible in any shape or form for the content of the linked website(s).


Users of this website assume responsibility for the correct and adequate use of its services and content in accordance with the current Terms and Conditions of Use and in observance with current legislation.


Unless previously and expressly authorised by LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. visitors and/or users may only use the content and services offered in this website for their own personal use and, therefore, any direct or indirect act that results in the unauthorised commercial exploitation of said content and services is strictly prohibited.


Where applicable, visitors and/or uses must use the contents and services provided by LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. in observance with current legislation and will be responsible for any and all behaviour and activities that might be considered unlawful or harmful to the rights of third-parties and/or might be harmful to or prevent LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. or other visitors and/or users from using this website.



This website contains material (which includes but is not limited to the design, look, appearance and graphics), which is legitimately and exclusively owned by its respective title holders. In consequence, commercial use by third-parties who lack appropriate authorisation is strictly prohibited.


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The reproduction, storage (except when uploading the website to the browser or for temporary storage), transformation, distribution, publication (distribution to the public), and in general any form of exploitation by any means or procedure of all or part of the content which is subject to the exclusive rights of LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is strictly prohibited with the exception of those cases where previous and express authorisation has been sought to the effect.



Visitors and users will find various links on this website that will take them to other independent websites not associated with this website. The sole aim of these links is to facilitate visitor and user access to other sources of information on the Internet relating in a general way to the services offered. They are included on this website with the intention of respecting the business and intellectual property rights that, where applicable, might correspond to their authors and legitimate title holders.


LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. cannot be held responsible for the content of the websites accessed via the aforementioned links. Neither can it be held responsible for the modifications to, the technical availability of or the use made of said websites.


However, LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is committed to doing everything in its power to prevent links to websites with illegal content and those that promote illegal activities from appearing on its website. In the event of there being well-founded evidence that information provided by a website via a link is illegal LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is committed to acting with due diligence to eliminate or deactivate the link in question.


Internet users who wish to share links from their own websites on the LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. website should, in addition to obtaining express authorisation to do so, fulfil the conditions that are set out below. Ignorance of the below conditions does not exempt responsibility as provided for by law.   


Links should only take users to a website’s home page. Whoever wishes to share a link to their website cannot store all or part of its content without the express authorisation of LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. The following practices are strictly prohibited.


Practices that:


1.- Produce or might lead to error, confusion or deception of users as regards the authentic origin of services and contents.


2.- Involve an act of disloyal comparison or imitation.


3.- Benefit from the brand and reputation of LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L., its associates, administrators, or staff.


4.- Involve any other act prohibited by current legislation.



Any information, belonging to LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. or third-parties, that appears on this website is presented “as is” without any kind of guarantee as to its accuracy or last update. Consequently, LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. cannot be held responsible for any potential damages that the use of the aforementioned information might produce. LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is committed to doing everything in its power to prevent links to websites with illegal content from appearing on its website and in the event of there being well-founded evidence that information provided by a website via a link is illegal LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is committed to acting with due diligence to eliminate or deactivate the link in question.


LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. adopts adequate security measures to detect computer viruses. Notwithstanding, owing to the fact that computer security systems on the Internet are never fully reliable, LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. cannot guarantee the inexistence of viruses or other harmful elements that might affect user computer systems.


LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L. is exempt from any responsibility derived from the malfunction of the website or any of its services that originates from accidental circumstances, force majeure, unavoidable maintenance work or other causes not attributable to LA TIENDA DE LAS GORRAS S.L.



The current Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to Spanish law.